Sybil, a homeless young woman, lives with a group of squatters in the abandoned ‘The Grand Albion Hotel’. They are all addicted to ‘Sheetrock Zero’, a mysterious substance insulating every wall of the building, that grants it’s taker vivid hallucinations of the hotel’s and Britain’s history. With the dilapidated hotel’s demolition imminent these visions of the past make one final stand.

‘The Walls Speak’ is a magical realist Interactive Short Film that functions as an allegorical indictment of the sins of imperialism and nostalgia.

Inspired by short interactive works like the Daniel’s Possibilia the interactive element allows you to cycle through three concurrent narratives. The contrast between these narratives and which you choose to focus on will reveal something about the viewer/player’s political biases. It creates a portrait of how there is always more to any given situation than you can take in at the time. This encourages multiple revisits and replays to fully understand the intricacies of what you witness while still offering complete arcs each time through.